The work of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth
The Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth established
Under the slogan of promoting women’s participation in decision-making, today, Wednesday, June 22, 2022, a round table is held within the Wathqa project implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Democracy Reporting Organization (DRI) in cooperation with the Jusoor Center for Studies and Development, funded by the European Union, within the Faila project.
This session, which aims to network among the trainees from the directors of women’s support offices and women leaders in the ministries with decision-makers in the Libyan state, presents the most important challenges and difficulties they face in their work and limits their participation in decision-making places and proposes ways to increase the percentage of women’s participation in decision-making and the most important successes achieved by women in all fields.
This dialogue session was attended by Member of Parliament, Mrs. Fatima Al-Suwaie, member of the Supreme Council of State, Mrs. Naima Al-Hami, a number of officials from the departments of the Anti-Corruption Authority, the Ministry of Justice and undersecretaries of the Ministry of Youth, Mr. Ahmed Abu Bakr, the writer, tourism, Mr. Nasr El-Din Milad, and Communications, Mr. Khaled Nasr Sweissi, and directors of support offices Women in ministries and a number of civil society organizations and the media.
During the dialogue session, a number of themes were presented, most notably the axis of women's support and empowerment offices, the vision, the goal, the challenges presented by Mrs. Nihad Maiteeq, as well as the axis of the 30% We Look It campaign and the challenges, which was presented by Mrs. Ghalia Sassi, in the presence of the campaign leader / Mrs. Lily bin Khalifa
Also, during the dialogue session, videos were shown about real stories of women who faced some challenges in political participation and violence in decision-making positions during their work, and a video about the quota.
Then, in the presence of decision makers, the website was launched to register complaints of women and girls who have been subjected to violence in political participation, as well as those who have success stories to form a database and advocate for their rights and other features on the site that support women politically. .
The dialogue session included a purposeful and fruitful discussion, which resulted in a number of recommendations that work to raise and strengthen the role of women in society and will be circulated at all levels for a real partnership for women in decision-making.
Under the slogan of promoting women’s participation in decision-making, today, Wednesday, June 22, 2022, a round table is held within the Wathqa project implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Democracy Reporting Organization (DRI) in cooperation with the Jusoor Center for Studies and Development, funded by the European Union, within the Faila project.
This session, which aims to network among the trainees from the directors of women’s support offices and women leaders in the ministries with decision-makers in the Libyan state, presents the most important challenges and difficulties they face in their work and limits their participation in decision-making places and proposes ways to increase the percentage of women’s participation in decision-making and the most important successes achieved by women in all fields.
This dialogue session was attended by Member of Parliament, Mrs. Fatima Al-Suwaie, member of the Supreme Council of State, Mrs. Naima Al-Hami, a number of officials from the departments of the Anti-Corruption Authority, the Ministry of Justice and undersecretaries of the Ministry of Youth, Mr. Ahmed Abu Bakr, the writer, tourism, Mr. Nasr El-Din Milad, and Communications, Mr. Khaled Nasr Sweissi, and directors of support offices Women in ministries and a number of civil society organizations and the media.
During the dialogue session, a number of themes were presented, most notably the axis of women's support and empowerment offices, the vision, the goal, the challenges presented by Mrs. Nihad Maiteeq, as well as the axis of the 30% We Look It campaign and the challenges, which was presented by Mrs. Ghalia Sassi, in the presence of the campaign leader / Mrs. Lily bin Khalifa
Also, during the dialogue session, videos were shown about real stories of women who faced some challenges in political participation and violence in decision-making positions during their work, and a video about the quota.
Then, in the presence of decision makers, the website was launched to register complaints of women and girls who have been subjected to violence in political participation, as well as those who have success stories to form a database and advocate for their rights and other features on the site that support women politically. .
The dialogue session included a purposeful and fruitful discussion, which resulted in a number of recommendations that work to raise and strengthen the role of women in society and will be circulated at all levels for a real partnership for women in decision-making.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, Dr. Karima Sheridkh, met today, Saturday, June 11, 2022 AD, with the director of the Wathqa Project to enhance women’s participation in decision-making, Mr. Fadel Al-Zardak, the logistical and media coordinator Marwan Maraash, and the financial officer Abdullah Muhammad for follow-up and evaluation in the implementation of the project’s map and overcoming the challenges facing it the team .
The project is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Organization for Reporting on Democracy Libya DRI in cooperation with the Jusoor Center for Studies and Development and funded by the European Union in the presence of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors Mrs.
The project is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Organization for Reporting on Democracy Libya DRI in cooperation with the Jusoor Center for Studies and Development and funded by the European Union in the presence of the Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors Mrs.

Today, Thursday, June 9, 2022, the training course in building women’s capacities in the political field was concluded within the Wathqa project to enhance women’s participation in decision-making, which is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Democracy Reporting Organization (DRI) and in cooperation with Jusoor Center for Studies and Development and funded by the European Union Which lasted for five days, from June 5-9, 2022, for 40 training hours, with training from the international expert. Dr. Ibtisam Al-Hubaishi and legal advisor Jazia Issa.
It targeted 20 women directors of women's support offices in the ministries in addition to a number of women leaders in some departments.
The training course aims to enhance the effective participation of women in decision-making, support women leaders in ministries, develop their skills, enhance confidence in them, and familiarize them with national and international laws and legislations related to their rights.
It targeted 20 women directors of women's support offices in the ministries in addition to a number of women leaders in some departments.
The training course aims to enhance the effective participation of women in decision-making, support women leaders in ministries, develop their skills, enhance confidence in them, and familiarize them with national and international laws and legislations related to their rights.

Today, Sunday, June 5, 2022, the first day of the training course for the Wathqa Project to enhance women’s participation in decision-making, which is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Organization for Reporting on Democracy (DRI), in cooperation with Jusoor Center for Studies and Development, and under the auspices of the European Union Mission to Libya, within an effective project that continues For a period of 5 days, the course targeted 20 female directors of women's support and empowerment offices in ministries and administrative leaders.
The first day focused on the findings of local and international legislation in empowering women in political participation and decision-making, as well as discussing administrative issues related to women in ministries, as they are partners in construction and sustainable development.
The first day focused on the findings of local and international legislation in empowering women in political participation and decision-making, as well as discussing administrative issues related to women in ministries, as they are partners in construction and sustainable development.

Today, Tuesday, May 31, 2022, at the headquarters of the Ministry of Tourism in Tripoli, the Wathqa project was launched to enhance the participation of women in decision-making, which is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the International Organization for Reporting on Democracy (DRI) with the support of the European Union within an effective project.
The celebration was attended by a number of parliament, cabinet, directors of women's support offices in the ministries, activists and media.
Then, during the launch of the project, a presentation of the project, its objectives and the most important results expected to be obtained from it were presented.
Then a dialogue session was held among the attendees regarding the objectives of the project, empowering and activating the role of women, and the most important challenges and difficulties facing women leaders in senior and middle management.
The celebration was attended by a number of parliament, cabinet, directors of women's support offices in the ministries, activists and media.
Then, during the launch of the project, a presentation of the project, its objectives and the most important results expected to be obtained from it were presented.
Then a dialogue session was held among the attendees regarding the objectives of the project, empowering and activating the role of women, and the most important challenges and difficulties facing women leaders in senior and middle management.

Today, Thursday, May 12, 2022, at the headquarters of the Ghat Municipal Council, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the management council of the municipality of Ghat and the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth. The target group and other programs and activities that serve the citizen in the municipality and raise the level of services in it.
وقد تم التوقيع علي المذكرة من قبل السيدة / جازية عيسى نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة منظمة القيادة لتمكين المرأة والشباب/.
وعن البلدية وقع السيد عبد السلام حمادي وكيل ديوان المجلس البلدي غات
ندعوا الله أن يوفقنا ويكلل خطواتنا ومساعينا بالنجاح.
وقد تم التوقيع علي المذكرة من قبل السيدة / جازية عيسى نائب رئيس مجلس الإدارة منظمة القيادة لتمكين المرأة والشباب/.
وعن البلدية وقع السيد عبد السلام حمادي وكيل ديوان المجلس البلدي غات
ندعوا الله أن يوفقنا ويكلل خطواتنا ومساعينا بالنجاح.

The participation of the Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, Mrs. Jazia Mustafa Issa, today, Thursday, March 17, 2022, in the consultative meeting that was held today at the headquarters of the United Nations Mission in Libya, regarding the development of proposals for the priorities of women in Libya, within the strategic plan for the work of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). for the next four years.

The presence and participation of the official of the Women’s Program, Mrs. Hanan Al-Nani, of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, in the training workshop, on migration governance in the city of Tripoli, at the Mahari Hotel, implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), with officials and employees of public institutions and a number of civil society organizations in Ghat, which lasted for (5) Days (from 2/27 to 3/2/ 2022).

With the participation of members of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, the course of preparing projects implemented by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was concluded today, Monday, February 14, 2022 in Sebha, within the capacity-building program of civil society institutions, which lasted for ten days.
The general program of the session was:
1 Conflict sensitivity and gender awareness
and project management. and financial management.
And how to write proposals, prepare and write reports.
Finally, we thank the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for these training programs to build the capacity of civil society institutions
The general program of the session was:
1 Conflict sensitivity and gender awareness
and project management. and financial management.
And how to write proposals, prepare and write reports.
Finally, we thank the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for these training programs to build the capacity of civil society institutions

Praise be to God, whose grace good deeds are accomplished
The Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth is on the first list in the competition for the Organizational Performance Index Award and the evaluation of civil society organizations, with a score of 73.5.
This evaluation is a great incentive and support for us as the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth to continue and move forward In the ladder of success and leadership and achieving our goals for which we work.
A heartfelt thanks go to the gentlemen and the team based on the Taqarib project, which has all respect and appreciation for launching this competition and the award for job performance, and this is excellent for creating competition between organizations to always provide the best.
We ask God to help us and everyone in serving this generous country .
The Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth is on the first list in the competition for the Organizational Performance Index Award and the evaluation of civil society organizations, with a score of 73.5.
This evaluation is a great incentive and support for us as the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth to continue and move forward In the ladder of success and leadership and achieving our goals for which we work.
A heartfelt thanks go to the gentlemen and the team based on the Taqarib project, which has all respect and appreciation for launching this competition and the award for job performance, and this is excellent for creating competition between organizations to always provide the best.
We ask God to help us and everyone in serving this generous country .

The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment, in cooperation with Sebha University, organized today, Thursday, December 9, 2021 AD, in the municipality of Al-Ghuraifa, coinciding with the 16 days campaign to combat violence against women, a dialogue session on violence against women, its causes and treatment, under the supervision of the brilliant Dr. Between issues of gender, power and gender-based violence, defining violence and its types and forms, identifying the causes and contributing factors, and the effects of gender-based violence, and who are the potential victims or survivors, and explaining the guiding principles of gender-based violence
in the presence of Jamila Saleh Head of Alumni Affairs at Ubari College, Mabrouka Al-Suwaie, Project Officer in Al-Ghuraifa Municipality, Mrs. Halima Muhammad, faculty members, students and teaching assistants at Sheba University, and civil society activists in the valley areas who interacted with the session with discussion and meaningful dialogue.
With thanks to the team of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in The municipalities of the valley headed by Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi Marks in the organization and preparation of the session.
in the presence of Jamila Saleh Head of Alumni Affairs at Ubari College, Mabrouka Al-Suwaie, Project Officer in Al-Ghuraifa Municipality, Mrs. Halima Muhammad, faculty members, students and teaching assistants at Sheba University, and civil society activists in the valley areas who interacted with the session with discussion and meaningful dialogue.
With thanks to the team of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in The municipalities of the valley headed by Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi Marks in the organization and preparation of the session.

With the organization and supervision of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, a meeting was held in the municipality of Ghat in the Al-Birket area, which included the member of the Ghat Municipal Council, Mrs. Fatima Muhammad Sidi, and a number of women in the municipality of Ghat, whose number exceeded 40 women. Citizens, especially the women segment, and the enhancement of their role in local governance.
The woman, a member of the municipal council, presented the competencies of the municipality to raise awareness about the tasks of the municipality within Law 59 of the special law on municipalities, and presented the most important achievements made by the municipality since its election. and the needs that the municipality suffers from, as well as some solutions and proposals that may contribute to relieving some of the bottlenecks in the municipality. Services in the municipality.
She recommended increasing the meetings between women and the GHAT Municipal Council and increasing the activation of the role of civil society with municipalities and state institutions to work in parallel lines to improve services.
The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment extends its thanks, appreciation and respect to Mrs. Fatima Sidi Mohamed, member of the Municipal Council, Ghat Municipality, for responding to the invitation and attending this important meeting with an important segment of society, which is the women segment.
The woman, a member of the municipal council, presented the competencies of the municipality to raise awareness about the tasks of the municipality within Law 59 of the special law on municipalities, and presented the most important achievements made by the municipality since its election. and the needs that the municipality suffers from, as well as some solutions and proposals that may contribute to relieving some of the bottlenecks in the municipality. Services in the municipality.
She recommended increasing the meetings between women and the GHAT Municipal Council and increasing the activation of the role of civil society with municipalities and state institutions to work in parallel lines to improve services.
The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment extends its thanks, appreciation and respect to Mrs. Fatima Sidi Mohamed, member of the Municipal Council, Ghat Municipality, for responding to the invitation and attending this important meeting with an important segment of society, which is the women segment.

The First Women’s Forum for the Valley Regions
The First Women’s Forum for the Valley Regions, which was implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth today, Saturday, October 30, 2021 in the Jarma area in the Ghurayfa municipality, in the presence of Ms. Nadia Koukla, who is responsible for the women’s file with Mr. / Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, and Mr. Abd Al-Salam Abdel-Rahman / Director of the Development Bank, Mrs. Rabia Abdel-Jalil / Member of the Ghurayfa Municipal Council, Mr. Ibrahim Abdullah / Economic Monitor in the Valley’s Municipalities, Mrs. Mabrouka Al-Suwai’i/Minor Projects File Officer in the Ghurayfa Municipality, and the Mukhtar of Jarma Locality of Shops in the Valley and Ms. Fawzia Bou Hadima / Director of the Civil Society Commission Al-Gharefa, Mr. Mukhtar Al-Senussi / Director of the Civil Society Commission Bint Baya, Ms. Azza Al-Sharif, the representative of women in the Social Council of the Tuareg tribes, representatives of women entrepreneurs in the valley regions, members of the Libyan Businessmen Council, a large number of activists, heads and members of organizations, institutions and associations of civil society
The forum aims to unify the visions and efforts of women in the valley areas (Al-Gharifa, Ubari Bint Baya) and to present the challenges that women face from the social, economic and institutional aspects, knowing the causes and results, participating in offering practical solutions, as well as ways to improve their effective participation and highlighting their role as a key and effective partner in improving services and achieving sustainable development goals. Social, health and economic levels, especially entrepreneurship for women and owners of small and medium enterprises, and the extent to which municipal councils support women and their participation in improving services for municipalities. br>- and the formation of advisory committees from the authorities that specialize in supporting women economically and supporting women in charge of women in the valley areas for women and participating in training programs and development projects that, in turn, contribute to improving services in their local communities.
With all thanks and appreciation to the women who attended the forum and participated In presenting the challenges facing women in the valley areas and offering practical solutions.
Thank you very much to the team of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in Municipalities The valley under the supervision of Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi.
The First Women’s Forum for the Valley Regions, which was implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth today, Saturday, October 30, 2021 in the Jarma area in the Ghurayfa municipality, in the presence of Ms. Nadia Koukla, who is responsible for the women’s file with Mr. / Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of National Unity, and Mr. Abd Al-Salam Abdel-Rahman / Director of the Development Bank, Mrs. Rabia Abdel-Jalil / Member of the Ghurayfa Municipal Council, Mr. Ibrahim Abdullah / Economic Monitor in the Valley’s Municipalities, Mrs. Mabrouka Al-Suwai’i/Minor Projects File Officer in the Ghurayfa Municipality, and the Mukhtar of Jarma Locality of Shops in the Valley and Ms. Fawzia Bou Hadima / Director of the Civil Society Commission Al-Gharefa, Mr. Mukhtar Al-Senussi / Director of the Civil Society Commission Bint Baya, Ms. Azza Al-Sharif, the representative of women in the Social Council of the Tuareg tribes, representatives of women entrepreneurs in the valley regions, members of the Libyan Businessmen Council, a large number of activists, heads and members of organizations, institutions and associations of civil society
The forum aims to unify the visions and efforts of women in the valley areas (Al-Gharifa, Ubari Bint Baya) and to present the challenges that women face from the social, economic and institutional aspects, knowing the causes and results, participating in offering practical solutions, as well as ways to improve their effective participation and highlighting their role as a key and effective partner in improving services and achieving sustainable development goals. Social, health and economic levels, especially entrepreneurship for women and owners of small and medium enterprises, and the extent to which municipal councils support women and their participation in improving services for municipalities. br>- and the formation of advisory committees from the authorities that specialize in supporting women economically and supporting women in charge of women in the valley areas for women and participating in training programs and development projects that, in turn, contribute to improving services in their local communities.
With all thanks and appreciation to the women who attended the forum and participated In presenting the challenges facing women in the valley areas and offering practical solutions.
Thank you very much to the team of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in Municipalities The valley under the supervision of Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi.

The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment carried out a workshop on behavior modification strategies today, Thursday, October 28, 2021 AD in the municipality of Ghat, in the presence of the Director of the Office of Special Education, Mr.
The workshop aimed at knowing the methods of behavior modification that achieve changes in the individual's behavior, in order to make his life and the lives of those around him more positive and effective.
The workshop aimed at knowing the methods of behavior modification that achieve changes in the individual's behavior, in order to make his life and the lives of those around him more positive and effective.

Within the framework of the Women and Youth Empowerment Program, the training course in medical terminology implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth under the supervision of the trainer Dr. Hamida Abdel Mawla and Dr. Muammar Bouzid in Al-Birket area in the municipality of Ghat, which lasted for 5 days and targeted the nurses and doctors of medical analysis, and the number of attendees was 19 young women.
The course aimed to identify medical terminology in the hospital departments, the emergency room, the operating room, the maternity department, the laboratory, diagnosis, anemia, and hemolytic anemia, Sickle-cell anemia, chronic kidney disease, heat stroke, first aid priorities and emergencies, and the most important medications that must be available in the emergency department.
With many thanks to the trainers, trainees and all members of the Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment.
The course aimed to identify medical terminology in the hospital departments, the emergency room, the operating room, the maternity department, the laboratory, diagnosis, anemia, and hemolytic anemia, Sickle-cell anemia, chronic kidney disease, heat stroke, first aid priorities and emergencies, and the most important medications that must be available in the emergency department.
With many thanks to the trainers, trainees and all members of the Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment.

The Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth organized today, Saturday, October 9, 2021 AD in the Germa region, the first dialogue forum on (the role of municipalities and civil society organizations in supporting the upcoming elections) in the municipalities of each of (Ubari Al-Ghurayfa Bint Baya) under the auspices of the Ghurayfa municipality.
In the presence of the Dean of the Ghurayfa Municipality. Mr. Abdul-Sattar Al-Senussi and the members, the head and members of the Libyan-Libyan Dialogue, Mr. Hussein Kanna, more than 25 civil society organizations, the director of the Civil Society Commission, the municipality of Bint Bayh, and a number of faculty members and employees in public institutions.
The aim of the forum was to shed light on the role of municipalities in the process of Preparing for elections, the role of civil society commissions, and highlighting the importance of cooperation between local institutions and civil society organizations in the awareness process.
2/ What is the extent of citizens' response to the voter turnout process, and what are the reasons for their reluctance?
3/ Have the youthful determination been exploited and invested in electoral awareness, and the role of women in the electoral awareness process and their role in candidacy.
4/ How to develop plans to educate citizens about the need to correct for the best and not according to favoritism and regionalism.
5/ What are the most important challenges or difficulties facing citizens and officials in the process of preparing for the elections, and what are the solutions put in place to avoid them? The meeting presented a number of recommendations that contribute to the formation of teams and programs to activate the role of all government institutions and organizations in supporting the upcoming elections in the municipalities of Wadi Al-Hayat.
Thank you very much to the Municipality of Al-Ghurayfa, Dean and members, and also to the Coordinator of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in the Municipalities of Wadi Al-Hayat, Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi Marks
In the presence of the Dean of the Ghurayfa Municipality. Mr. Abdul-Sattar Al-Senussi and the members, the head and members of the Libyan-Libyan Dialogue, Mr. Hussein Kanna, more than 25 civil society organizations, the director of the Civil Society Commission, the municipality of Bint Bayh, and a number of faculty members and employees in public institutions.
The aim of the forum was to shed light on the role of municipalities in the process of Preparing for elections, the role of civil society commissions, and highlighting the importance of cooperation between local institutions and civil society organizations in the awareness process.
2/ What is the extent of citizens' response to the voter turnout process, and what are the reasons for their reluctance?
3/ Have the youthful determination been exploited and invested in electoral awareness, and the role of women in the electoral awareness process and their role in candidacy.
4/ How to develop plans to educate citizens about the need to correct for the best and not according to favoritism and regionalism.
5/ What are the most important challenges or difficulties facing citizens and officials in the process of preparing for the elections, and what are the solutions put in place to avoid them? The meeting presented a number of recommendations that contribute to the formation of teams and programs to activate the role of all government institutions and organizations in supporting the upcoming elections in the municipalities of Wadi Al-Hayat.
Thank you very much to the Municipality of Al-Ghurayfa, Dean and members, and also to the Coordinator of the Leadership Organization for Empowering Women and Youth in the Municipalities of Wadi Al-Hayat, Mrs. Masouda Al-Ezzi Marks

The conclusion of today, Thursday, September 23, 2021 AD, the course of preparing election observers under the supervision of the trainer and expert Mabrouk Khawden, for two days, and the number exceeded 27 members of civil society, which is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in partnership with the Communication Center for Training and Consultation in Al-Birket area in the municipality of Ghat.
The course aimed to know the elements of the observer's general report, the procedures for accrediting the observers, and the models for monitoring the voting process. The course targeted a number of activists, civil society organizations and institutions, as well as members of the organization in the municipality of Ghat.
The course aimed to know the elements of the observer's general report, the procedures for accrediting the observers, and the models for monitoring the voting process. The course targeted a number of activists, civil society organizations and institutions, as well as members of the organization in the municipality of Ghat.

Implementation and organization of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, the launch of today Wednesday, September 22, 2021 AD, a course to prepare election observers with the coach and expert Al-Mabrouk Khawden, and the number exceeded more than 27 members of a civil society organization.
In partnership with the Communication Center for Training and Consultations in the Al-Birket area in the municipality of Ghat, the course lasts for two days.
The course aims to identify international standards in election observation, electoral cycle processes and stages, electoral terminology, types of observation, how to observe
and the rights and duties of observers, which targeted civil society organizations and institutions and members of the organization in the municipality of Ghat
In partnership with the Communication Center for Training and Consultations in the Al-Birket area in the municipality of Ghat, the course lasts for two days.
The course aims to identify international standards in election observation, electoral cycle processes and stages, electoral terminology, types of observation, how to observe
and the rights and duties of observers, which targeted civil society organizations and institutions and members of the organization in the municipality of Ghat

Today, Thursday, September 16, 2021 AD, the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in the municipality of Ghurayfa carried out an awareness session on (international foundations and standards in election monitoring) for civil society organizations in partnership with the Director of the Electoral Administration Office Ubari Murzuq Ghat, Mr. Under the supervision of the Coordinator of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in the municipality, Mrs. Masouda Mohamed.
In the presence of some members of the Ghurayfa Municipal Council, Mr. Touati Bekka, Mr. Muhammad Miftah, Ms. Rabia Abdel Jalil, the Head of the Civil Society Commission of Al-Gharefa Fawzia Abu Hadima, and a number of members of community organizations
This is in the context of supporting the realization of the democratic path of the state and the partnership between state institutions and civil society organizations in raising awareness of the role of civil society and knowing the global foundations for how to monitor elections in the next maturity of the Libyan state.
All thanks and appreciation to the Dean and members of the Municipal Council. Al Ghurayfa for this great cooperation
In the presence of some members of the Ghurayfa Municipal Council, Mr. Touati Bekka, Mr. Muhammad Miftah, Ms. Rabia Abdel Jalil, the Head of the Civil Society Commission of Al-Gharefa Fawzia Abu Hadima, and a number of members of community organizations
This is in the context of supporting the realization of the democratic path of the state and the partnership between state institutions and civil society organizations in raising awareness of the role of civil society and knowing the global foundations for how to monitor elections in the next maturity of the Libyan state.
All thanks and appreciation to the Dean and members of the Municipal Council. Al Ghurayfa for this great cooperation

Today, Wednesday, September 8, the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth concluded a training course in preparing observers for election observation in the organization’s branch in Tripoli, in partnership with the Lens Organization for Elections and Technology, under the supervision of the trainer Omaima El-Feki, who is accredited in monitoring elections at the High Electoral Commission.
The course aims to know the role of the observer. What are the criteria for selecting an observer, the legal framework for elections, their rights and interests, how elections work in electoral centers, what are the most common breaches in the electoral process, and how and when observers intervene in practical exercises to deepen the sound conditions in electoral observation.
The categories of participants in the training varied among the members of the organization. And civil society organizations, the union of trainers, state employees, and university students.
The course was very valuable for the trainees on how to properly monitor to ensure integrity and transparency in the elections.
The course aims to know the role of the observer. What are the criteria for selecting an observer, the legal framework for elections, their rights and interests, how elections work in electoral centers, what are the most common breaches in the electoral process, and how and when observers intervene in practical exercises to deepen the sound conditions in electoral observation.
The categories of participants in the training varied among the members of the organization. And civil society organizations, the union of trainers, state employees, and university students.
The course was very valuable for the trainees on how to properly monitor to ensure integrity and transparency in the elections.

Ubari Municipality
The continuation of today, Tuesday, August 17, 2021 AD, the team of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in Ubari, the awareness campaign on the importance of elections and participation in it for women, youth and citizens led by Masouda Muhammad within the campaign (Shala Watan) implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the administration The Electoral College (Ubari Murzuq Ghat) and the Civil Society Commission, Al-Gharefa branch in electoral participation, and how to register in the electoral register
The continuation of today, Tuesday, August 17, 2021 AD, the team of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in Ubari, the awareness campaign on the importance of elections and participation in it for women, youth and citizens led by Masouda Muhammad within the campaign (Shala Watan) implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the administration The Electoral College (Ubari Murzuq Ghat) and the Civil Society Commission, Al-Gharefa branch in electoral participation, and how to register in the electoral register

Today, Monday, August 16, 2021, the team of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth at the Ghat headquarters conducted a field visit to the Essin border area between Libya
Algeria, led by the Women's Program Coordinator, Mrs. Hanan Al-Nani, and the Youth Program Coordinator, Mr. In addition to the electoral awareness campaign within the activities of the “Torch Watan” campaign on the importance of elections and participation in it, and the distribution of brochures to introduce the electoral centers and indicative posters. This came in cooperation with the Ubari Electoral Management Office, the Red Crescent, Ghat branch, and civil society organizations in the Essin region of Ghat municipality.
Algeria, led by the Women's Program Coordinator, Mrs. Hanan Al-Nani, and the Youth Program Coordinator, Mr. In addition to the electoral awareness campaign within the activities of the “Torch Watan” campaign on the importance of elections and participation in it, and the distribution of brochures to introduce the electoral centers and indicative posters. This came in cooperation with the Ubari Electoral Management Office, the Red Crescent, Ghat branch, and civil society organizations in the Essin region of Ghat municipality.

The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment implemented a short awareness video on the importance of youth and women participation and increasing their percentage in the electoral process and registration
With the implementation of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the Red Crescent, Ghat branch, the training course in first aid, which lasted for 5 days, was concluded today, Sunday, August 8, 2021 AD in the locality of Owainat, which lasted for 5 days, in the presence of the coordinator of the Red Crescent, the branch of Owainat and members of the organization, the trainees from the youth of the region and the coordinator of the organization in Al-Owainat Bashir Al-Jari, under the supervision of the wonderful coach Al-Mahdi Muhammad Ahmed, under the slogan (a paramedic in every home)
with thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this course
with thanks to everyone who contributed to the success of this course

Continuation for the fourth day in a row today, Wednesday, August 5, 2021 AD, the training course in first aid led by the trainer Al-Mahdi Muhammad Ahmed under the slogan (a paramedic in every home), in Al-Owainat area in the municipality of Ghat, which is implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the Red Crescent, Ghat branch for members of the organization and the youth of the region .

Believing in the rights of people with disabilities to highlight their role, raise awareness, support and empower them, in order to actively participate in the Libyan society.
The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment ran an awareness session on the importance of elections and participation in it for people with disabilities in Ghat Municipality
Under the slogan “The Torch of a Homeland” in cooperation with the Electoral Management Office (Ubari, Murzuq, Ghat) and the Lights of Hope Association for Persons with Disabilities.
In the presence of 74 members from various organizations and associations, a number of persons with disabilities, their parents and citizens, the session was held at Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq School in Mahalla Al-Barakt in the municipality of Ghat.
Ms. Majed Al-Kateb, Director of the Persons with Disabilities Empowerment Unit at the High National Elections Commission, who provided an explanation of the electoral law for people with disabilities and knowledge of their electoral centers, and explained that the High Elections Commission has issued brochures and a special dictionary. Prime language for the blind, deaf and hearing impaired. This session was characterized by interaction with dialogue and meaningful discussion.
The Leadership Organization for Women and Youth Empowerment ran an awareness session on the importance of elections and participation in it for people with disabilities in Ghat Municipality
Under the slogan “The Torch of a Homeland” in cooperation with the Electoral Management Office (Ubari, Murzuq, Ghat) and the Lights of Hope Association for Persons with Disabilities.
In the presence of 74 members from various organizations and associations, a number of persons with disabilities, their parents and citizens, the session was held at Abi Bakr Al-Siddiq School in Mahalla Al-Barakt in the municipality of Ghat.
Ms. Majed Al-Kateb, Director of the Persons with Disabilities Empowerment Unit at the High National Elections Commission, who provided an explanation of the electoral law for people with disabilities and knowledge of their electoral centers, and explained that the High Elections Commission has issued brochures and a special dictionary. Prime language for the blind, deaf and hearing impaired. This session was characterized by interaction with dialogue and meaningful discussion.

Today, Tuesday, July 27, 2021, the youth team in the Tripoli municipality launched the implementation of awareness-raising campaign activities on the importance of elections and participation in them, which are implemented by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the Electoral Management Office of Tripoli.
The team aimed to distribute indicative posters for electoral registration in places Public parks, gardens and on public roads.
The team aimed to distribute indicative posters for electoral registration in places Public parks, gardens and on public roads.

Today, Friday, July 9, 2021 AD, the Ghat municipality team launched the first media campaign carried out by the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth in cooperation with the electoral administration Ubari Ghat Murzuq and under the patronage of the Ghat Municipal Council, on the space of the local radio station Ghat, presented by Ahmed Al Sharif in the Friday break program, hosted by the awareness coordinator in the administration Electoral College and a group of media professionals for an hour in a fruitful dialogue about the electoral register, electoral awareness, its importance and participation in it, and the interaction from the listeners was distinguished.

Today, Thursday, July 8, 2021 AD, a dialogue session was held under the chairmanship of Mrs. Jamila Fadel, Director of the Public Relations and Media Department of the Leadership Organization for the Empowerment of Women and Youth, and the organization’s team with 17 civil society organizations in Ghat (Al-Barket Al-Fayyut Owainat Tala Essin Al-Barket) with a group of media professionals and activists, and in cooperation with the Electoral Administration Ghat Murzuq Ubari, Al-Mabrouk Muhammad Khawden, in the presence of the designated Mayor of Ghat, Dr. Belkacem Bilal. He stressed the importance of this step for the organization and the role of civil society institutions in the awareness campaigns for the elections and to play their effective role to challenge the obstacles that prevent the appropriate selection and reluctance to vote in the electoral registration.
The session presented methods of The awareness followed in the High Elections Commission, and the field and media teams were divided and the target groups for awareness campaigns (schools, universities, public and private institutions, electronic campaigns, as well as media coverage in audio and video channels, targeting the displaced, women, youth, divorced women, widows and people with special needs, taking into account the precautionary measures Covid 19.
The session presented methods of The awareness followed in the High Elections Commission, and the field and media teams were divided and the target groups for awareness campaigns (schools, universities, public and private institutions, electronic campaigns, as well as media coverage in audio and video channels, targeting the displaced, women, youth, divorced women, widows and people with special needs, taking into account the precautionary measures Covid 19.