ماهي أهم المشكلات في بلدية غات :
- Lack of opportunity for young people
- Lack of strategic planning
- Garbage
- lighting
- Public garden cleaning
- The unemployment
- Sewage
- High prices in the markets and shops
- Attention to drinking water
- Water network repair
- municipal cleanliness
- No dialogue with the citizen
- Lack of flexibility and regional control in the municipality
- Non-participation of the citizen.
- Lack of control over shops and markets.
- Use of local expertise.
- Involvement of civil society organizations.
- Lack of strategic planning
- The lack of clear plans for the municipality in which youth and women participate.
- High prices .
- Neglecting the maintenance of water networks.
- Street cleanliness
- Lack of parks and entertainment venues.
- neglect of the youth group.
- Failure to complete service projects.